Exploring VS Code: Tips, Tricks, and Pro Tips for Enhanced Productivity


Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular, versatile code editor developed by Microsoft. It’s appreciated for its speed, flexibility, and rich ecosystem. This article covers the primary uses of VS Code, essential tips, and advanced tricks to help you make the most of this powerful tool.

Why Use VS Code?

VS Code stands out for several reasons:

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Integrated Terminal: Execute commands and scripts within the editor.
  • Rich Extension Ecosystem: Customize and enhance VS Code with a vast array of extensions.
  • Code IntelliSense: Provides intelligent code completions and suggestions.
  • Integrated Debugging: Built-in debugging tools for various languages.

Essential Tips for Using VS Code

  1. The integrated terminal is a powerful feature for running commands:
# Run a Node.js script
node app.js
  • Opening the Terminal: Use Ctrl + (backtick) or navigate to Terminal > New Terminal.
  • Multiple Terminals: Create and manage multiple terminals with the + button.
  • Split Terminal: Use the split button for side-by-side terminal views.
  1. Extensions extend VS Code’s capabilities:
  • Prettier: Formats code for consistency.
  • ESLint: Provides linting for JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • Live Server: Live reloads HTML files.
  • Bracket Pair Colorizer: Colors matching brackets.
  • Tip: Explore the VS Code marketplace for extensions that suit your needs.
  1. Tailor your workspace settings:
  "editor.tabSize": 2,
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "files.autoSave": "afterDelay",
  "eslint.validate": ["javascript", "typescript"]
  • Workspace Settings: Create a .vscode/settings.json file for project-specific preferences.
  • User Settings: Modify global settings through File > Preferences > Settings.
  • Settings Sync: Sync settings, keybindings, and extensions across devices.
  1. VS Code has built-in Git support:
# Stage changes
git add .

# Commit changes
git commit -m "Your commit message"

# Push changes to the remote repository
git push
  • Source Control Sidebar: Access version control features with Ctrl + Shift + G.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

  1. Multi-cursor editing lets you edit multiple lines simultaneously:
let foo = 1;
let foo = 2; 
  • Add Cursors: Hold Alt (Windows/Linux) or Option (macOS) and click to add multiple cursors.
  • Add Cursors via Keyboard: Use Ctrl + Alt + Down/Up Arrow (Windows/Linux) or Option + Cmd + Down/Up Arrow (macOS).
  1. Debugging tools help you find and fix issues:
function add(a, b) { 
  return a + b; 
  // Set a breakpoint here
console.log(add(5, 3)); 
  • Set Breakpoints: Click the left margin next to the line number.
  • Debug Panel: Access the Debug panel with Ctrl + Shift + D to start debugging sessions.
  1. Snippets save time by automating repetitive tasks:
  "React Functional Component": {
    "prefix": "rfc",
    "body": [
      "import React from 'react';",
      "const ${1:ComponentName} = () => {",
      " return (",
      "   ${2:/* Your code here */}",
      " );",
      "export default ${1:ComponentName};"
    "description": "Create a React functional component"
  • Create Custom Snippets: Define snippets in File > Preferences > User Snippets.
  • Use Built-in Snippets: Access and use predefined snippets for various languages.
  1. Efficiently manage multiple projects:
  • Open Multiple Folders: Add multiple folders to a workspace via File > Add Folder to Workspace....
  • Project Manager Extension: Use the Project Manager extension to switch between projects easily.
  1. Remote development features extend VS Code’s capabilities:
ssh user@remote-server.com
  • Remote - SSH: Connect to remote machines using SSH.
  • Remote - Containers: Develop inside Docker containers for a consistent environment.
  • Tip: Explore the Remote Development extension pack for effective remote and containerized development.
  1. Live Share allows real-time collaboration with other developers:
  • Start a Live Share Session: Use the Live Share extension to share your coding session with others.
  • Collaborate in Real-Time: Allow others to join your session and collaborate on code in real-time.
  1. Codespaces provides cloud-based development environments:
  • Create a Codespace: Use GitHub Codespaces to start a development environment in the cloud.
  • Access and Develop: Connect to your codespace and start coding directly from VS Code.
  1. The VS Code CLI allows you to open files and folders directly from your terminal:
code myProject
code app.js
  • Open VS Code: Use the command code . to open the current directory in VS Code.
  • Open Specific File: Use code to open a specific file.
  1. Personalize the appearance of VS Code:
  • Themes: Install themes from the marketplace to customize the color scheme.
  • Icon Packs: Install icon packs to change file and folder icons.
  1. Manage workspace trust settings to ensure security:
  • Workspace Trust: Control which workspaces are trusted to enable or disable certain features.

Keyboard Shortcuts


  • Ctrl + P / Cmd + P: Quick file navigation.
  • Ctrl + Shift + P / Cmd + Shift + P: Open Command Palette.
  • Ctrl + B / Cmd + B: Toggle sidebar visibility.


  • Ctrl + / / Cmd + /: Toggle line comment.
  • Alt + Up/Down Arrow / Option + Up/Down Arrow: Move line up or down.


  • Ctrl + G / Cmd + G: Go to line.
  • Ctrl + Tab / Cmd + Tab: Switch between open files.


  • F5: Start debugging.
  • F9: Toggle breakpoint.


VS Code is a versatile tool that can greatly enhance your coding workflow. By mastering essential tips and exploring advanced features, you can optimize your development environment and boost productivity.

